Set your mindset to stay more productive during the day.
Studying or working effectively throughout the day will not be challenging anymore if you can be hyper-intentional with how you start your day. I know sometimes this may sound silly or insignificant to someone. But other than judging what I am trying to say, give it a shot to try this once or more honestly to experience the difference.
There are plenty of good resources out there to learn how to build a growth mindset to achieve our goals in daily life. Here I am just sharing the things that I learned from my own experiences and from the books that I have read hoping that it would be helpful in some way for at least one person who reads this.
- Waking up at least one hour earlier than you usually do can make a huge impact on you to carry on your day more effectively than you can ever think of.
- Soon when you wake up, make sure that you are fully awake. For that, do some exercises to warm up your body. You can even jog for a few minutes while listening to mind-boosting music. Then your mind, as well as your body, will be energized and ready to start an amazing day. Just make some little changes to your habits and embrace the difference.
Every day is a new day. The past doesn’t exist today. So it’s that much important to make sure that you do not consider a day as just another typical day. Give some value to it. The more you take days for granted, the more you will waste your time.
So It’s always a choice either you run the day or the day runs you
- Make tomorrow’s To-do list tonight and do not forget to schedule by prioritizing each task in your day plan. Having a clear idea of how we gonna spend the next day is always better and more advantageous. Even though we don’t go with the exact schedule at times, we can adjust the plan throughout the day to make it happen somehow.
- Make it a habit to turn off or to keep your mobile phone aside for at least one hour before you go to sleep. Reduce the blue light exposure during the last part of the day as much as possible. This will help you improve your sleep quality. Though it’s often neglected, adequate sleep is vital for every human being to function well during the daytime.
- Most importantly, avoid checking your phone soon when you wake up in the morning, which can disrupt the chances of starting your day with a calm mind. I repeat, Try to break the habit of checking your phone first thing in the morning. That’s not the best way to start a day.
Now comes the best part.
It‘s not about how much you sleep. It’s about how well you spend the time while you are awake.
- Have a glass of water before having anything else in the morning (having water on an empty stomach cleanses the bowels, flushes out toxins from the body, and energizes the body), exercise, do some stretches, go outside for a few minutes, and breathe some fresh air. Before everything, be happy and grateful for the day and everything. Don’t take life for granted. These small things may sound very simple and like nothing to you. But never ignore them because It’s the little things that matter most.
- Reduce the time that you spend on social media platforms unnecessarily. Sometimes it will be hard for someone who is kind of addicted to that stuff by now. But trust me, there’s nothing impossible in life. Your commitment will take you wherever you wanna go. So give it a try to spend less time on social media by setting limits to yourself and being disciplined.
Once you let something difficult happen with a small push at the beginning, you will build a habit in yourself eventually, and get used to it. You just have to let yourself do a little change. But if u are not willing to do so, then you will find a hundred excuses to give up and go ahead with the same old habits.
All of you can do this. But I guarantee not many of you will do it.
Don’t allow your mind to control you. Instead, let it work for you. Don’t be a slave to your mind. Take control of your mind into your hands and do what you want to do and feel good without letting your mind distract or stop you whenever you are going to do something important. Don’t be someone who just spends the day unconsciously like a programmed robot with all the compulsive thoughts and reactions except for living in the moment. Every time be mindful of what you’re doing.
“Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do.”
Try observing your mind whenever you can which will help you understand how it works. The more you pay attention to it, the more you realize.
If not now, when?
Don’t wait till something happens like a miracle. Just go for it, work for it, and make it happen.
You are always getting distracted from what you are doing by your own thoughts and emotions. When you understand it, you start to become aware of it, and then no longer you will fall into this mind’s trap. Whenever a thought pops up in your mind, just observe it and let it go. Don’t judge or don’t start to think of that thought. Just let it pass. Why would you try to react or respond to every thought/emotion that comes into your mind when you don’t need to? When you practice not reacting to everything that comes to your mind, you will be able to increase your consciousness gradually which will cause you to level up your concentration as well.
“Leave your front door and back door open. Allow your thoughts to come and go. Just don’t serve them tea.”
Observe and understand the monkey mind, the way how it processes data, and comes up with numerous kinds of thoughts incessantly. Some thoughts can be inspiring but some may not be worth enough to even pay attention. Practice yourself to filter out what you wanna feed your mind with and ignore the rest. Your mind can be your own enemy if you haven’t yet taken control of it.
“You must be playing your mind-Your mind should not be playing you.”
The moment you understand that you’ve been a slave to your mind in many ways, that’s when you start the real journey of your life which will be more calm, joyous powerful, and productive than ever before.
Then studying will not be hard anymore. Not only studying but everything. Because now you do everything that you do with full focus and attention. So it will be easy to absorb the things that you learn faster. you will be able to save your valuable time to invest in many other tasks that you wanna do in life too since your mind is free and peaceful.
- In the evenings also try to find some time to do something refreshing. Something that you really love to do like watering the plants, meditating, doing a sport, playing an instrument, a nature walk, or any other simple but refreshing thing. It will bring peace to your mind with happiness if you enjoy it from within. So you will be able to continue the rest of your day as well with the same strength and energy that you had in the morning.

Though it appears like a lot, what I have suggested to practice with your usual routine are a few really simple things that can make a huge difference in you. If you are already having these good practices, I appreciate you and encourage you to stick with them because good things are coming your way.
Stay safe, Stay happy! ❣️