No matter what life throws at you. how you respond and what you make out of it is all up to you.
My opinion is that we must get rid of all the obscure understandings we have of the heavens after death which possibly causes people to forget to live life well by being stuck in their imaginations.
Can’t it be that we’re already in heaven and making a hell out of this place by ourselves?
There’s no proof that we aren’t already living in heaven and messing it up by our own miseries.
Unless we all learn how to handle our thoughts and emotions, we’ll be suffering from our own memory and imagination which don’t exist in reality. until we learn to break this loop, the very existence of our lives will look like a burden to anybody who has no control over his or her mind.
Don’t be a slave to your mind. become the master of your mind and let it work for you, not against you. That’s possible from the very moment you take control of your mind. How to begin?
Just start observing your mind. how incessantly it brings out hundreds of thoughts one after the other and tries to distract you from what you’re doing.
Once you start observing it, question yourself. is that me? or am I reacting to the voice in my head which is just an involuntary thought process that creates noise in my head unconsciously? just observe consciously and come to this realization that you still have the power to just stop these continuous, meaningless dialogues and shift your concentration towards the present moment.
Thoughts just happen and it’s not necessary to try and catch every thought which could be overwhelming. whenever you notice a thought that doesn’t feel good, don’t hold on to it. understand the impermanence of it as every other thing and just let it go & relax. The more you can let go, the more you’ll allow the space for softer feelings to flow in.
Like everything we achieve in life, understanding the true behavior of your mind takes time. Nothing comes easily overnight. It requires patience and practice. Stay persistent, and the results will follow.
“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.”
No one can do this for you. Only you are responsible for the very life you’re living at the moment. Thus if you need a change in your life, it is also you who need to change it the way you want.
But how? Ok. Is there anything that you love to do but don’t have the guts to put in the work just because others around you discourage you? Look, this is your life and you have the complete authority to build your dream life. and no one’s gonna say a word if you succeed in life. But there will be a hell of a lot of people who will throw you stones at times you fail. So what? It’s just their frame of mind and all that reflects who they are but none about you. Why the hell would you even think of others’ opinions if those do not help you grow?
Only when you do not know yourself well, the other people’s opinions become important to you. If you know yourself well, no one can stop you from doing what you want in life.
Failures are just assets that you collect throughout life to reach the ultimate greater heights. Without failing you won’t learn lessons that would shape your personality and get opportunities to grow. This reminds me of the quote:
“To get something you never had, you’ve to do something you never did.”
Be bold to fail and to take risks. there’s nothing wrong with failing. It’s also the old-school traditional people who have brought out the term ‘failure’ as something negative and scary. It’s all up to us to understand the bright side of everything and move on without getting trapped in the same traditional misbeliefs.
“It’s your road and yours alone. others may walk it with you. but no one can walk it for you.”
It’s you and only you who should make things happen. You can’t blame anybody for anything that has happened to you, not in the way you wanted. Never complain about anything. Next time you face a challenge or a failure, embrace it gratefully, think a little broadly, and try to recognize the opportunities that have come in disguise with it. Maybe you are complaining to the person who broke up with you but you may haven’t heard this beautiful quote,
“Every break-up is a wake-up call.”
I’m not kidding. Just trying to convince you to look at things broadly but not with a limited perception. Just took that as an example cuz that beautifully implies the same point that I’m trying to bring from a failure point of view.
We all have come to this world with nothing and leave with nothing. It’s humorous that we’re worrying about things that aren’t permanent at all. the problem is,
“We are bad directors of our own drama.”
We all die someday and we are all born with our death certificates. So if we already know this extreme truth why would we be worried when life throws different things at us in the meantime? Just think that everything is happening for some reason. No point in questioning it. We all have our uniqueness and no point in questioning that as well. But of course, we can work on changing things to the way we want. I see that as one major purpose in anyone’s life and that’s the thrilling part. We can work for our goals joyfully no matter whether it’s hard or simple. It’s always a choice to do anything joyfully or stressfully. We all have given this life just to experience, not to avoid. So live it fully. Never live someone else’s life because we all have a very limited time.
Also, why the hell would you get anxious, angry, or jealous for whatever reason, which can do no good but can ruin your life easily without even you knowing? It’s like, you drinking poison expecting the other person (that you hate) to die.
So never get yourself stressed or depressed or to whatever negative state just because of someone else’s behavior or opinion towards you. That’s just their lives and we have nothing to do with that. Just learn if there’s anything to learn from what others say. otherwise, just ignore it and move on. You don’t need to react to everything. Is it even worth spending your time on unimportant things? No. right? Just save that time also to work on your goals. Be smart enough to absorb the good in everything and easily ignore the rest.
Let’s move on. None of us don’t need to stay the same every day. if you feel that you have wasted your life because of other people’s judgments and expectations, just be glad that at least you’ve realized it and it’s time for a change. We can always change and become better than whom we were yesterday and that’s the beauty of being human. It’s all in our hands. only a handful of people realize this and change their lives. Because people are used to being afraid of change. They start thinking of a hundred excuses to give up. Only a few really get their heads straight and put in the work to get things done. They are the people who achieve their goals and dreams with less effort and most importantly enjoy what they do.
Just live this small life simply and happily. Help everyone expecting nothing in return. We are all human just like the other species of animals but trying to hit ourselves by making it too complex by comparing or competing with the same rest of the other people assuming that life is a race. Unfortunately what happens is, that such people will run the race hoping to reach a finishing line that will never be found and die without even knowing it. Happiness isn’t something you’ll find by reaching some point in life. It’s already within you whether you believe it or not. you need to find it from inside not from the outside.
You need to be willing to accept challenges and be determined and well-focused on what you’re doing. Don’t just live life just because you have to. Make it a more fun and interesting journey. Experience everything in life as an adventure. Try different things and learn consistently. Find a purpose to serve others. That’s what will always keep you going.
Share your happiness with others and help them grow as well because the more the circle around you gets better, the more you become better. As scientists say,
“You are the average of the five people that you’re mostly surrounded by.”
So the attitudes of the people that you mostly hang out with matter a lot. Every time you learn something that motivates you or encourages you to improve some aspect of your life, don’t forget to share that lesson with the people around you. Help them grow as well. Always and always look for ways to give and serve others cuz we’re all one family.
“If you just want to walk fast, walk alone. but if you want to walk far, walk together!”
We’re all students at every stage of our lives. don’t take it for granted. Learn as much as you can regardless of the age you’re in. That’s what enriches your very life.
Anyway don’t take life too seriously. Cheers to this amazing journey around the sun✨. Have fun while you’re here!🥂
Stay humble and be kind to each other!❤️